Nature’s Greatest Work


You are nature’s magnum opus
You are art, crafted with porcelain and gems, and you are so precious.

Your eyes gleam like diamonds buried in dirt
Your presence captivates me, and I can’t pull away.

I want you in every way imaginable.
I want to explore your curves. I want to meet every crease and bump on your body, until even your lungs are screaming out my name in greeting.
I want you to open up to me, like a flower, waiting to fully bloom.
Take a look. Sip. Absorb the somewhat cosmic energy our bodies release when we are together. Be cautious of the sparks that fly off of our sweaty skin. They easily set the sheets on fire. But nothing can contain the divine state we are in, no man, no woman, no being could disturb our peace.
There is something magical about the way your breath moves through your body. We become one at the same pace that your heart is beating, a pattern of


“thump, thump. Thump thump.”
I don’t want this moment to end. The moment our bodies began a fire was the moment I became alive again.
We lit the matches with our hearts and created light.
You are my light. And as I watch you while you sleep, you are so graceful. There is a slight difference in you now. Yet our bodies are still intertwined under the duvet and your dreams are still as warm as the inside of your thighs.


*The opinions and ideas expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the opinions of The Bronx Brand*

Lu Perez is from the Eastchester section of the Bronx but currently resides in the Fordham area.  Being Latina and growing up in a predominantly Hispanic/Latinx community in the Bronx has been a great influence in the way she writes. Her appreciation for her Dominican heritage comes through in Lu’s work. From the slang, the open fire hydrants during the summer, the sticky streets and booming music have become pieces in the puzzle that forms Lu’s identity; these are the experiences that have had a profound effect on the way Lu perceives the rest of New York, and the world.

Be sure to follow her on instagram:

Lu Perez is from the Eastchester section of the Bronx but currently resides in the Fordham area. Being Latina and growing up in a predominantly Hispanic/Latinx community in the Bronx has been a great influence in the way she writes. Her appreciation for her Dominican heritage comes through in Lu's work. From the slang, the open fire hydrants during the summer, the sticky streets and booming music have become pieces in the puzzle that forms Lu's identity; these are the experiences that have had a profound effect on the way Lu perceives the rest of New York, and the world.

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