
With revolution on your tongue

you tell me

you’re tired


I look into your eyes

and I know.

I know

it is not the kind of tired that sleep

can fix.

It is the kind of exhaustion that is passed down generationally

The mark of suffering

And oppression

that links you to your great great great grandmother

and the sugar cane on that island

you hold so dear

Perhaps it binds you to the scars

on her hands

the beating, draining heat of the sun

who on every occasion gives life

it is conditional.

But you

You, who is tired

and weeping and

cannot see rest for miles through those glossy eyes


a stronghold

una fortaleza

This crusade on injustice will guide you to victory.

From above you will look down

as they have for centuries

And we will be triumphant.



*The opinions and ideas expressed are solely those of the author, and may not reflect the opinions of The Bronx Brand*

Lu Perez is from the Eastchester section of the Bronx but currently resides in the Fordham area. Being Latina and growing up in a predominantly Hispanic/Latinx community in the Bronx has been a great influence in the way she writes. Her appreciation for her Dominican heritage comes through in Lu’s work. From the slang, the open fire hydrants during the summer, the sticky streets and booming music have become pieces in the puzzle that forms Lu’s identity; these are the experiences that have had a profound effect on the way Lu perceives the rest of New York, and the world.

Be sure to follow her on instagram: @theblkmariposa

Lu Perez is from the Eastchester section of the Bronx but currently resides in the Fordham area. Being Latina and growing up in a predominantly Hispanic/Latinx community in the Bronx has been a great influence in the way she writes. Her appreciation for her Dominican heritage comes through in Lu's work. From the slang, the open fire hydrants during the summer, the sticky streets and booming music have become pieces in the puzzle that forms Lu's identity; these are the experiences that have had a profound effect on the way Lu perceives the rest of New York, and the world.

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