
The air that I breathe is toxic

And the food that I eat is poisoned

The water that I drink has been stripped

As if the whole world has been eclipsed

The souls I interact with trap me in a mindless latency

Reminding me many contain no vibrational frequency

The mind is corrupted

My clarity disrupted

The path to peace of mind is being systematically interrupted

And the result of all the malice is a chemical imbalance.


*The opinions and ideas expressed are solely those of the author, and may not reflect the opinions of The Bronx Brand*

Living in the Bronx has inspired Kevin Alexis to be unapologetic with who and how he is. It has given him the experiences and lessons that have shaped him and his art, as well as being one of his biggest platforms. What Kevin loves most about living in the Bronx is the authenticity of this borough. There’s a sense of reality surrounding you and it displays both the good and bad sides of life. There’s community, love, and comfort but there are also struggles and a need for healing in everyone here. The Bronx is a place that isn’t perfect but that’s okay because neither is the rest of the world.

Follow Kevin here:

Instagram @handofblood54

Living in the Bronx has inspired Kevin Alexis to be unapologetic with who and how he is. It has given him the experiences and lessons that have shaped him and his art, as well as being one of his biggest platforms. What Kevin loves most about living in the Bronx is the authenticity of this borough. There’s a sense of reality surrounding you and it displays both the good and bad sides of life. There’s community, love, and comfort but there are also struggles and a need for healing in everyone here. The Bronx is a place that isn’t perfect but that’s okay because neither is the rest of the world.

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