My Mother Sounds Like…

Rubber flip-flops smacking on the tile floor,

And neatly trimmed fingernails clacking on a keyboard,

A steady trickle of water showering her houseplants,

Sunday morning prayer and songs streaming through her phone speakers,

The high-pitched laughter that uncontrollably bursts from her stomach,

Her professional phone call voice that she uses for work

And the accented voice she uses everywhere else,

Her steady footsteps up the stair,

The disgusted “blehh” she sneers at houseflies,

And her angry scolding when we use swear words,

The tapping of her work shoes when she comes home in the afternoon,

Her voice waking us up in the morning saying,

“Time to make the donuts,”

Or “It’s 7:30, you’re late,”

The voice that is so unique in my memories,

Even though people say,

“You sound just like your mom.”



*The opinions and ideas expressed are solely those of the author, and may not reflect the opinions of The Bronx Brand*

Desiree Sukhram can’t imagine living anywhere but the Bronx and is inspired everyday by the lives and stories of the people around the BX. The diversity and strength of this borough is instilled in everyone who lives here. Desiree loves the sense of pride and community that exists here. Everyone in the neighborhood knows everyone else. People are kind and care for one another.

Follow Desiree here:

Instagram: @des_sukhram
Twitter: @DesireeDevi

Desiree Sukhram can’t imagine living anywhere but the Bronx and is inspired everyday by the lives and stories of the people around the BX. The diversity and strength of this borough is instilled in everyone who lives here. Desiree loves the sense of pride and community that exists here. Everyone in the neighborhood knows everyone else. People are kind and care for one another.

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