This Month in The Bronx: July 2021

If you’re looking for something to do in The Bronx in July, we have you covered! This is a round-up of July events, festivals, and volunteer opportunities.  They are organized by date and several volunteer opportunities are reoccurring.

This Month in The Bronx is a new monthly series aggregating Bronx events, activities, and volunteer opportunities.  If we missed an event, contact us for it to be added!

July 5 – August 29

Experience Eric Carle’s books come to life in World of Wildlife running at The Bronx Zoo through August 29th.

July 9 – July 11

3‑day curated exhibition featuring 25 artists from The Bronx, Harlem, Uptown, and Washington Heights

July 11

Free intro fitness course with Poderosa Fitness at VCP

July 10

Register for free tickets to The Female Body at The Bronx Museum of the Arts

July 11

Volunteer cleanup at Tremont Park on Sunday, July 11

July 16

Join the Friends of Pelham Bay Park with a drive-in movie series beginning July 16

July 17

Celebrate The Bronx Brand’s 6th Anniversary at Port Morris Distillery on Saturday, July 17th with live tattoos, screen printing, vendors and more!

July 23

The Mott Haven Film Festival kicks off!

July 24

Volunteer opportunity!

Ongoing: Every Monday

Volunteer opportunity with Loving The Bronx at Virginia Park

Ongoing: Every Friday

Volunteer opportunity with The Bronx River Alliance

Ongoing: Every Thursday

Community outdoor dancing at VCP

Ongoing: Every Wednesday

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