Ignorance is not bliss, it’s death. | Ignorance, Compassion, Strength

The past week has been one ignorant executive order after another.  Ignorant is mild.  It’s been one despicable, unjust, inhumane, self-interest fueled, fascist mandate after another.  George Orwell couldn’t have been more precise in his prediction of a dystopian society predicated on misinformation, manipulation, and technological enslavement.  I can’t help but be reminded of one of the slogans of his 1984 society: “ignorance is strength.”

We’ve all heard that ignorance is bliss.  Not having to be responsible/care for certain things gives a sort of freedom to us.  If I’m not responsible for the outcome, I’m free to live and act without the burden of working towards that outcome.  Throughout history, ignorance has been the tool used in oppressive governments to not only take and keep control, but to gain the support of its citizens.  Specifically, the ignorance of those who have controlled wealth and power leads to the death of those who don’t.

Ignorance of other people’s stories, lifestyles, religious beliefs, racial identities and the like often leads to “us vs. them” rhetoric, which is then used to divide the masses and take control.  Ignorance has also been the scapegoat (for those in power and for those who aren’t in power but are also not oppressed) to do nothing.  The ignorance (and dismissiveness) of those who aren’t being afflicted is not an acceptable excuse.  It’s not an option as a way of life.  The uninformed allow totalitarian regimes to arise through their passive and blissful ignorance.  It’s also never been the duty of the oppressed to educate those who aren’t aware about the oppression they face.

All of the most vile acts of human history are rooted in some form of passive or active ignorance.  War, slavery, and persecution (in its many forms, in various times and in every society) have one fundamental thing in common: the disregard of human life.  When the humanity of a person or people group can be denied/ignored, it becomes easier to commit these disgusting acts.  When we don’t dignify other human beings based on nothing else than the fact that they are also human, we have passively cosigned their oppression and eradication.  We don’t have to agree on anything in order for me to show you dignity and respect, you deserve it because you’re human.

This doesn’t mean we don’t protest.  This doesn’t mean we don’t educate and inform.  This doesn’t mean we don’t advocate for those who lack power and resources.  Quite the contrary.    It means we unite.  It means we fight.  It means we learn about one another’s struggles in order to help. It means we practice self-care in order to continue fighting.  If we don’t, it means we are contributing to the demise of civilization (the stage of human social development and organization that is considered most advanced).  We need to love one another, and put aside differences in order to learn one another.  It doesn’t mean we wait to be taught about another person’s oppression; it means we proactively try and understand their needs and how we can help.  I’m not sure what will happen in the next week (let alone the next 4 years) but I do have hope.  Ignorance isn’t as strong as compassion.  As long as we continue to seek understanding and common ground, and fight the comfort in staying ignorant, the human race will withstand the most depraved aspects of human nature.  I’m encouraged and hopeful, because history has shown that compassion and understanding have been the greatest weapons of any rebellion.

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