Poems by Lu Perez – part 2


“t h e city t h a t never s l e e p s”


blurry lights paint the night sky

skyscrapers tower high above, grazing the velvet sky

kissing the tips of the stars

illuminated by traffic lights and neon signs

i smile.

i  smile as i hear  the beeps and honks of taxi cabs speeding away

i smile as the smell of roasted peanuts and smoke float about

making my tastebuds tingle

and my nose burn

and  i smile

as you grab my hand, running away under the artificial stars,

making my heart soar

as high as the buildings.



“Blues and Blacks (and all of the galaxies)”


These are the bruises and

These are the stars

All acquired

By slits and cuts and hits and an obsession

With pulsating and pretty blue and black



*The opinions and ideas expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the opinions of The Bronx Brand*

Lu Perez is from the Eastchester section of the Bronx but currently resides in the Fordham area.  Being Latina and growing up in a predominantly Hispanic/Latinx community in the Bronx has been a great influence in the way she writes. Her appreciation for her Dominican heritage comes through in Lu’s work. From the slang, the open fire hydrants during the summer, the sticky streets and booming music have become pieces in the puzzle that forms Lu’s identity; these are the experiences that have had a profound effect on the way Lu perceives the rest of New York, and the world.

Lu Perez is from the Eastchester section of the Bronx but currently resides in the Fordham area. Being Latina and growing up in a predominantly Hispanic/Latinx community in the Bronx has been a great influence in the way she writes. Her appreciation for her Dominican heritage comes through in Lu's work. From the slang, the open fire hydrants during the summer, the sticky streets and booming music have become pieces in the puzzle that forms Lu's identity; these are the experiences that have had a profound effect on the way Lu perceives the rest of New York, and the world.

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