The Bronx is Home

Moving to the Bronx was difficult at first. I remember it was during the time I was transitioning to the 6th grade. It was quite the shift for me, my mom, and my brother. Our first Bronx apartment was enormous. It felt as if the large space was purposely teasing us for the sudden isolation; we were still adjusting to this new world called home. Although it was a lonesome start for the three of us, especially since we were unfamiliar with the different areas of the borough, it did not take too long for us to feel at peace. During those early days, my mom would share to friends who did not live in the Bronx about our move. Most of the responses would carry a sense of startle “The Bronx!? Why the Bronx!?” Luckily there were true friends back in East Harlem who respected our move and never changed. It made me realize how much this borough lacks positive recognition and respect. Along the way, my mom made so many great friends in the Bronx, these people turned out to be the most important people in our lives today. Additionally, my brother and I met extremely close friends here. For instance, my brother met his best friend and I met the love of my life in the Bronx. We’ve been together for 6 years and we have been planning our future together. My dad moved to the Bronx with his family too, and it’s impacted him for the better.

I received a great education from attending both Bronx Community College and Lehman College. Most of my job experience began here, and it is such a rewarding feeling to support the community. I am glad there’s extravagant things like the Yankee Stadium, The Bronx Zoo, Botanical Gardens, along with other historical things that exist in the Bronx. It is frustrating to see the bad representation, there is no such thing as a “perfect place”, and no place is without it’s flaws. It’s all about perspective and what “perfect” is for you. It is not fair to target this borough as problematic, there is so much good blooming in Bronx. This borough (just like any other) is overflowing with talent, strength, and major developments. The Bronx is advancing; it is no longer burning, as people would often think when they hear the word “Bronx”. Jennifer Lopez was born here for crying out loud! She made it, anyone living in an urban area can. However, you can be successful and still make the Bronx your home. It’s so important to remember that we can improve, end the stigma, and cherish the Bronx together. I shared significant moments with my family in East Harlem, where I was born and raised. Nevertheless, I feel like I was raised in the Bronx too, the most life changing moments happened in the Bronx. I am proud of the woman I am today, and I am convinced that living in the Bronx has something to do with it.

*The opinions and ideas expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the opinions of The Bronx Brand*

Leslie Garcia has been living in the Bronx since she was 11 years old. She loves the rich history of the Bronx, and how the Bronx has given her strength and hope. She loves the shopping areas, the food, and the activities for families (which is what she plans on showcasing to the world). She loves the culture and beauty of the Bronx and can't imagine living anywhere else.

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