Shoutout Sunday: DeathQuest

Sunday Shoutout is our new series profiling a creative we admire and have worked with.  We want to showcase the vibrant talent we have been fortunate to work and partner with, in all mediums.  Everyone from artists and designers, musicians and rappers, writers to photographers, we want to introduce you to new creatives in The Bronx.  This week meet Bronx artist Johnny Acevedo aka DeathQuest.


DeathQuest is an artist and brand owner from East Tremont.

DeathQuest (Instagram: @ieatzombiepizza__) is an artist and brand owner of DeathQuest Brand.  He was the first artist we ever worked with at The Bronx Brand.  Our co-founder Mike met DeathQuest at an artist pop up event at Brook Park 6 years ago.  After purchasing some of his artwork and explaining the vision for The Bronx Brand, DeathQuest agreed to join the platform and has been one of our best selling artists since.  He also has many paintings for sale, so send him a DM if there is a piece you have your eye on!  We personally own several DeathQuest pieces.

Here are some of the t-shirts we’ve collaborated on.  Click on any image to get one for yourself and support this local artist!

The Bronx Brand x DeathQuest Bronx River Tee
The Bronx Brand x DeathQuest Pizza Tee
The Bronx Brand x DeathQuest Pizza Pigeon Tee
The Bronx Brand x DeathQuest Pizza Delivery Tee

Here are just some of the many paintings he has for sale.  DM him if you’re interested in purchasing.

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